Sunday, October 3, 2010


This week:

It rained.

A lot.

No, really.  A lot.

Too bad SOMEONE hates going outside in the rain.

Made bulletin boards with plain corkboard and fabric from Purl Soho.

Accidentally went to the Poland Day parade.  You can't tell, but the float says, "Poland and America, Friends Forever."  I think the PR person should have gone for "Poland and America, BFF"

Walked past a store dedicated entirely to Poptarts.  Apparently, you can get Poptart sushi--poptart in a fruit roll up.  Tell me we don't live in a great country.

Went to Oktoberfest on Lexington Ave. with Nate and Seth.  Saw Italian leather goods, French crepes, Jamaican reggae, Pad Thai, Mexican arepas and Chinese imports of every kind.  Nothing, not one thing, in 15 blocks of Lexington, German or otherwise Oktoberfest related.  Abandoned the Upper East Side for a German restaurant in the Village, Lederhosen.

Finished up my latest postpartum doula job.  It turned out the baby was slightly tongue-tied (there is too much skin--the frenulum--holding the tongue to the bottom of the mouth), which can mean that the baby can't pull milk out of the breast very well, even if latched on well.  When it's mild, it's often not a problem, but if bottles are introduced early (as they were here), it can be a bigger problem because the baby is already reluctant to work hard to suck after the easy milk from the nipple of the bottle.  A pediatrician can snip the extra skin, a quick, painless, bloodless procedure that usually leads to improved breastfeeding.  In fact, it used to be a procedure that was done to all babies:  cut umbilical cord, cut frenulum, give baby to mom. 

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