Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1:15 am

And I am waiting for a woman to deliver twins--and not by c-section.  The first baby is head down, the second baby is breech (bottom/feet down).  There are many people in the US who deliver babies who go their entire careers without ever seeing a vaginal twin birth or a vaginal breech birth.  I've seen a twin birth here, but not a breech birth, and since I think knowing how to do a breech birth is one of the most important things a midwife working without reliable access to c-sections or ultrasounds can know (and I hope at some point to be serving that community), I'm waiting up for it.

That's all I have to say.

Other than that, speaking of babies, this is what a baby pomegranate looks like, growing on the pomegranate tree behind the hospital.  Who knew?

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